Your Lifestyle Is Your Medicine

Episode 13: Rebellious wellness over 50 with Gregory Anne Cox

Ed Paget Season 1 Episode 13

Can we create health after 50? 

My guest this week, Gregory Anne Cox, talks about the importance of mindset in our question about health and wellness. She addresses the importance of finding what works for each individual and doesn't let the values and beliefs of others determine your actions and how you feel about yourself.

Greg is a Certified Life Coach, Weight Loss Coach and has a Certificate in Nutrition. She shares with us how she specializes in women, particularly between 50 and 70, who are potentially on a downward projection in their health. And then reverses that to put them at an upward point into their healthy lifespan; they can add those quality years to their life.

She takes a rebellious approach to aging by staying well, looking and feeling great, and avoiding prescription-pad medicine.

Join us to "Get the healthy habits in and the other ones out, and you're off to the races."

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